/\ ----------/ \----------------------------------------------------------- ---------/ \--------- 3 August 1991 - --------/ \-------- By C&R Systems - -------/ BBS \------- P.O. Box J - ------/ \------ Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214 - -----< EXPRESS! >----- BBS: 717-765-8623 - ------\ /------ - -------\ ST /------- Copyright (c) 1987, 1991 - --------\ /-------- Still The Finest BBS Program For The ST! - ---------\ /--------- - ----------\ /----------------------------------------------------------- \/ B B S E X P R E S S ! S T V 1 . 7 1 1. Several inquiries have been made concerning the new features of BBS Express! ST, since the original version 1.30, how to purchase it, or how to upgrade older versions. 2. The features which have been added (By Rick and Heidi Taylor of T2 Ltd) encompass a 14 page document which is available from C&R BBS. A real quick list of some features added since version 1.30: 'Hot-Keyed' menu in the Online User Editor. 20 editable random quotes before the Main Command Prompt. Ability run BinkleyTerm ST to enable Fido networking. Allow connections faster than 9600 baud. Auto-Logoff after downloading which can be cancelled. Batch download within [C]atalog listing. Calling a GEM File Selector Box from the SysOp Command Shell. Change drives in Script. Change over 250 of the prompts a user sees. Chat Mode word wrap (can be toggled on or off by the SysOp or user). Default Path Command for Script files. E-Mail partial name search string. Editor may be used in Script files. Erase some batch files marked. F-Mail (Send a file to another user within E-Mail. Faster editing of user flags while in the Online User Editor. File Catalog mode which shows a short description and batch mark. Hidden File SIGs. Impoved support for Hayes Ultra 9600 modems. Jump from one File SIG or Message Base by entering it's number. List all batch files marked Marking of SIGs you wished to Xpress scan Move or Copy files from one File Sig to another. Move or copy messages from one base to another. Parameters option to suppress ALL clear screens. Script return datestamp command. Set limit of maximum number of messages a user may post per call. Set terminal/video translation from Script. Several added script commands. SysOp availability can be turned on or off in Script. Toggle on the <> flag on your SysOp status screen. - Page 1 of 3 Pages - Touch Time/Datestamp files in File SIGS. Use ANSI graphics screens in ADDITION TO Atari VT52 screens. User Masks for faster user validation have been implimented. XYZ file protocols. Y and Z modem batch download. Xpress! Scan all File SIGs for new files or by date. ZIP and .LZH files contents may now be listed (Verbose). 4. FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS: The price is $79.95 or $94.95 postage paid depending on which option you choose. For $79.95 you get A and B below. For $94.95 you get A, B and C below. A. Appropriate files on DOUBLE SIDED disks shipped (Unless you request otherwise). B. BBS Express! ST manual. The older manual is still being used. You will receive the new manual when it is printed. Once printed, the total cost of BBS Express! ST WILL INCREASE! So order now. C. Subscriber Status is available at time of purchase for $15.00. Subscriber status allows you access to appropriate File areas on C&R BBS as well as the Support BBS's for a period of one year. With Subscriber Status you will be able to download updates from any of the Support BBS's. You will also have access to additional File SIGS on the Support SIGS. If you have subscriber status, updates will also be available by mail if you desire (Inquire at C&R BBS). If you do not elect Subscriber Status at time of purchase, you will be given a trial 60 day subscriber status on C&R BBS for a period of 60 days at which time you may still get the Yearly Subscriber Status for $15.00. After the 60 day period, you may get the Subscriber Status for $25.00. 5. FOR OWNERS WHO PURCHASED FROM ICD OR T2 Ltd AND WISH TO UPGRADE TO C&R SYSTEMS VERSIONS OF BBS EXPRESS! ST AND ARE NOT CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: A. Make a COPY of your DISKS and mail us your ORIGINAL disks. We can not be responsible for disks lost in the mail. Your ORIGINAL DISKS are your PROOF of purchase! B. Include your registration card if you still have it. C. Include the Serial number (If you have one). D. Include a check or money order for $25.00. You will receive new disks (Double sided unless requested otherwise) and you will have Subscriber status for one year. THIS PRICE WILL GO UP TO $30.00 ON 1 SEPTEMBER 1991. 6. We are honoring T2 Ltd subscriptions until they expire. Yearly renewal for EXISTING Subscribers is $25.00. IF YOU ALLOW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO EXPIRE, FOLLOW PARAGRAPH 5 ABOVE. - Page 2 of 3 Pages - 7. Orders will be shipped within 6 days. In some cases, if a new version is about to be released, we will hold your order for up to 13 days (Unless you specify otherwise). Make personal checks or money orders payable to C&R Systems and mail to: C&R Systems P.O. Box J Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214 8. Support: BBS Express! ST will continue to be supported. Several questions have arisen about the Yearly Subscriber Status. This is basically what it gives you: A. In addition to the C&R BBS 717-765-8623 Main Development BBS there are presently three other Support Boards (Each with their own expertise) which you may call: Support Line: ST Synchronicity...415/526-6471 PCP "CAOAK" Support Line: Psychlo Empire.....214/251-1175 Central Support (TX) Support Line: Terrapin Station...203/656-0134 Eastern Support (CT) B. Access to updates to BBS Express! ST by modem. C. Increased access. This access vary on the Support Boards. On C&R BBS Registered Subscribers are given increased access time limits, increased File Sig Areas and access to Support Message Bases to discuss problems, items of interest with other Express SysOp's, or to just find out what the latest is with Express. Individual Support SysOp's have a similar policy but may vary. In any event you are not granted access to upgrades if you are not a Registered Subscriber. They may grant you limited access to their BBS or no access. It is their decision to make. - Page 3 of 3 Pages -